No scientific proof concludes that

Intelligent Extraterrestrials exist

yet millions believe so.

Perception of this subject is largely a

preconditioned conclusion,

a strong belief Induced by wonders

appearing in our atmosphere.

Welcome ufo/uap community and all those seeking the Truth on this subject.

If you are currently researching the ufo phenomenon, PLEASE read this Letter to the Ufo Community by David Ruffino.


What is the driving force behind the rapid shift in ET beliefs?

Society as a whole is rejecting God and embracing intelligent ET beliefs, why?

Is this perception of Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life fueled mainly by the ufo phenomenon?

Are we living in a time of truthful revelation or a dark deception?

Is there a psychological war being waged on society by the ufo phenomenon?

“Eighty-five percent of atheists and agnostics say their best guess is that intelligent life does exist beyond Earth. So do 80% of unaffiliated Americans, also known as nones.” 

It appears that those who read the Bible doubt aliens exist the most.

A pattern is emerging that is very telling. All aspects of our society have skyrocketing Intelligent Extraterrestrial beliefs but one. Those vested in the Holy Bible seem to have some kind of resistance. Is that resistance strong enough?

Decades of data show a decline in church attendance while extraterrestrial beliefs rise. More than a coincidence?

2018 MUFON Symposium, Lutheran minister lectures on, will ET destroy all religion on Earth

Opinion | Don’t Believe in God? Maybe You’ll Try U.F.O.s – The New York Times (

Image credit Marion Fayolle

———–>JOHN 3:16<———-

The ufo phenomenon has successfully influenced the world. Our society has been entranced and mesmerized. If this is a psychological war/invasion mankind is definitely losing. The time has come to wake up!


The UFO Movie They Don’t Want You to See | Psychology Today Documentary review: It’s a master class in critical thinking. November 1, 2023

Watch on Tubi now for FREE! “The UFO Movie They Don’t Want You to See

“This film delves into scientific explanations behind the UFO phenomenon, shedding light on what is in our skies and whether we are being visited”

The accepted ufo/uap theory are,

1. Other Worldly Aliens

2. Interdimensional Beings

3. Time Travelers

4. A Non-Material Intelligence

5. IS CENSORED! The coverup within the coverup.

———–>JOHN 3:16<———-

5. A profound explanation has surfaced.

John Keel. Operation Trojan Horse (Lilburn, GA: Illuminet Press, 1996), pg. 266.
Jacques Vallee. Confrontations (New York: Ballantine Books, 1990), pg. 159.

World renowned ufo researchers all agree on something, what is it?
